Curious about Crossborder Travel ?

Crossborder Travel
Visit our neighbours in Afghanistan and Kyrgyztan
As a landlocked country, Tajikistan borders Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, China and Kyrgyzstan. The border with Afghanistan in particular stretches across the entire southern side of Tajikistan. The Panj River is the largest part of the border between the two countries. The Badakhshanis on the Afghan and Tajik sides feel connected to each other. The arbitrary buffer zone set up during the Great Game between Russia and England, created what is now known today as the Wakhan Corridor. Geographically, Afghanistan served as a protective wall for the two great powers. Today, the Wakhan Corridor still belongs to Afghanistan. Tajikistan borders Kyrgyzstan to the north. Many people of Kyrgyz origin live in northern Murghab in particular. The trip to Kyrgyzstan is one of the most popular. There are not many other possibilities to travel east, as the border crossing from Tajikistan to China is closed to tourists.
Visit Afghanistan
Wakhan Corridor
Afghanistan’s image in the world is not the best for sure. But Afghanistan has quiet and safe parts like the Wakhan Valley. A few tourists go and visit this unique and extremely isolated Wakhan Corridor, which directly borders Tajikistan. Visits to the Afghan Wakhan are a costly affair. Many tourists travel in a small group to share costs. You should always inquire about the safety situation there before you go. But during the last years, it has been safe and PECTA wants to further extend cross-border travel with Afghanistan. The best information can be obtained at the tourism office in Khorog. Here you can also find fellow travellers.
Visit Kyrgyztan
Central Asia and especially the Pamir Mountain borders are human made. For quite a lot of decades, there were no real borders and till today, this region is ethnically mixed. For example; on the Murghab Plateau, Kyrgyz and Pamiris are living peacefully together and share a strong communal bond. Keeping this good relation and promoting our neighbours is a strong desire of ours! Most nationalities do not need a visa for Kyrgyzstan. You can find a lot more information on the website of the Community Based Tourism Organisation of Southern Kyrgyzstan (CBT).
Visit Afghanistan
Wakhan Corridor
Afghanistan’s image in the world is not the best for sure. But Afghanistan has quiet and safe parts like the Wakhan Valley. A few tourists go and visit this unique and extremely isolated Wakhan Corridor, which directly borders Tajikistan. Visits to the Afghan Wakhan are a costly affair. Many tourists travel in a small group to share costs. You should always inquire about the safety situation there before you go. But during the last years, it has been safe and PECTA wants to further extend cross-border travel with Afghanistan. The best information can be obtained at the tourism office in Khorog. Here you can also find fellow travellers.
Visit Kyrgyztan
Central Asia and especially the Pamir Mountain borders are human made. For quite a lot of decades, there were no real borders and till today, this region is ethnically mixed. For example; on the Murghab Plateau, Kyrgyz and Pamiris are living peacefully together and share a strong communal bond. Keeping this good relation and promoting our neighbours is a strong desire of ours! Most nationalities do not need a visa for Kyrgyzstan. You can find a lot more information on the website of the Community Based Tourism Organisation of Southern Kyrgyzstan (CBT).